Full Moon

Posted to Subscribers on 29 September 2012


Dear Subscribers,

A lot of people have written with their questions about the full moon parasite cleanses so I might as well craft a digital explanation of my ParaPro formulas.

When in Europe, I was able to observe the action of the herbs on countless patients using darkfield. What is involved here is a drop of blood. Usually, people refer to peripheral blood, but whether the drop came from an ear lobe or finger or blood that had been drawn for oxygenation and re-entry into the same patient, the results were consistent. Parasites appeared to more active at the time of the full moon, but sometimes they were also quite busy at the new moon, but rarely as busy as at the full moon.

When subjected to the herbs, they died; and it took about half an ounce of Arjuna's Arrows to cause this. The dose could be dragged out over a period of 36 hours or given more or less all at once. The formula is quite spicy so most patients wanted to space out the doses. In terms of the parasites, it did not seem to matter how the doses were administered so long as we got half an ounce into the patient within a day and half.

Next, we ran some parallel studies. Some readers might not be interested but others will be. We kept the original slides with the parasites in order to compare them to fresh samples. Interestingly, they were the same. Early in the process of die off, the white blood cells would tend to assemble on the edges of the sample and avoid the dead parasites. When we tested 3-4 times a day, it was apparent that the white blood cells were very gradually moving from the perimeter into closer proximity to the dead parasites. Meanwhile, bacteria were feasting on the parasites and the number of bacteria seemed to be increasing all the time. By the time we got to day three, some patients were starting to feel achy, but none, even the weakest, had to remain in bed. A few became quite irritable, especially by day four, and many reported having bizarre dreams. This is how Dragon Dreams got its name. It contains Dragon's Blood (Sangre de Grado) but patients were having lots of dragon dreams.

For the record, the name Arjuna's Arrows came from the Bhagavad Gita. Because I am a pacifist and what is called a vegetarian for reasons of conscience (as opposed to health or other motivations), I had a hard time with the issue of parasites. In the Gita, Prince Arjuna and Lord Krishna have philosophic discussions on many topics, including good and evil. Arjuna was filled with apprehensions over war. He was counseled by Lord Krishna to perform his duties. I am not saying that there is actually any justification at all for murdering parasites, but based on certain arguments, it is possible to defend this action. Thus, the name I chose was the closest I could find to express my own reservations over this formula.

For those who absolutely cannot face the fact that they are going to vanquish the creatures that challenge their right to life, I would suggest putting sweetened warmed milk at the orifices of the body: especially the nose and anus but also the eyes. You will not see the microscopic forms I observed, but you may capture some live animals and offer them a chance to live in a jar of milk.

Let's go back to day one, yesterday for some of you, today for others, next month for some? Arjuna's Arrows does its magic regardless of most other factors; however, the purpose of Dragon Dreams is different. Yes, it has some antiparasitic herbs, but it also has herbs to support lymphatic decongestion as well as some to nourish the white blood cells. In addition, it has the Dragon's Blood just in case the parasites had perforated tissue and died with one end of their body inside an artery and the other end outside. If course, parasites can burrow through the liver or gall bladder or brain tissue, just about anything so my goal was to prevent internal bleeding. The other ingredients help to rebuild the blood after it has been ravaged by hungry erythrocyte consumers who also leave their waste in the plasma. So, Dragon Dreams is all about damage control.

Part of Dragon Dreams works regardless of other factors, but the support for the white blood cells will be minimal if people are suffering from compromised immunity. For instance, antibiotics, depending on the type, may destroy or paralyze white blood cells. They will also destroy bacteria. If the bacteria cannot munch down the corpses, they will be decomposed through a process of fermentation that is way more stressful than the temporary increase in the bacteria.

In any event, with each day, the white blood cells, both on the control slide and in the fresh samples, move closer to the corpses. Around day six, they gobble up all the bacteria. The patient feels fine so then it's time to build up digestion, elimination, and immunity. Enter Phoenix Rising. This name is so obvious that it hardly requires explanation but there was a hilarious moment in the dining room of the hotel where the patients ate when a toast was proposed to the late parasite who had been sent to heaven.

The intelligence of this entire system is beyond remarkable. The body and its countless cellular components are brilliant, coherent, responsible, and amazing. I never get tired of watching the blood cells. They very obviously have personalities, sentience, and sometimes a sense of humor. They also have a chain of command and can be as well organized as penguins in the Antarctic. In addition, they have musical preferences, meal preferences, and lots of other distinguishing traits.

This, however, brings us back to Kurukshetra and who lives and who dies. Blood parasites eat erythrocytes. They can be very discriminating and only eat crenated red blood cells. This would be like going on a hunt and only targeting lame old animals who might not survive the next winter. The fact that such parasites pass on some cells and munch on others does not mean the parasites are benign, just less voracious. There are others that are like vacuums and they gulp up erythrocytes dozens at a time. That may not sound like a disaster unless each of those parasites has a lot of cousins . . . which surely they do.

There are some theories that parasites are commensural . . . I am not convinced at all because beautiful, clean blood is actually very pretty and one finds it in very healthy people so we could say that providing slum housing for countless creatures operates at the expense of some precious erythrocytes and maybe the host or hostess of this feast. As for the bacteria, I am not sure that we ought to trust what we read in textbooks because from what I see, the issue is immunity, not bacteria.

So, with the full moon upon us, I will drink a bit of something hot and light a candle for all the creatures who will be relocated to a place that is hopefully very happy and not dependent on sacrifice in order to experience life eternal.

Many blessings,


Immobilized Parasite

What you see in this photomicrograph is a blood parasite that has been immobilized by red blood cells that push up against the middle of the parasite to prevent the parasite from moving. This is a "hunting" pattern observed on a sample on a slide and it is carried out over a number of hours. The entire "campaign" is usually directed by a single white blood cell that communicates to each red blood cell, one at a time. Once the parasite is immobilized, the white blood cell approaches the middle of the body and spews something on the parasite that breaks the skin. This kills the parasite and little bubbles of fermentation begin to appear where the skin has been blistered. You will note that the red blood cells do not gather at the ends of the parasite, only the middle.



Parasite Protocols for Children || Blood Parasites || Types of Parasites
Miniature Snakes || Fashions in Medicine || How Parasites Die || Spirochetes
Moss amd Mosquitoes || Mosquito Bites || Artemisia Annua || Wormwood || Bitter Taste





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