
Posted to Subscribers on 18 October 2014


Dear Subscribers,

Sogyal Rinpoche wrote that death is the biggest letting go, but there are those who have seen the other side and chosen to remain on this side out of a sense of duty or, sometimes, deep compassion for those who need to hear the accounts of the visit to the beyond. People who have had near-death experiences have often returned to their bodies in order to share their stories with others. In my case, I have tried to facilitate safe near-death experiences that allow people to pierce the veil and discover the reasons for being here. The salient one-liner is that "the purpose of life is a life of purpose." Unfortunately, finding the first to say this is not easy. I thought it was Krishnamurti, but I see the Internet does not support this recall.

Yesterday, yet another major influence has crossed to the other side. Dolores Cannon wrote in an accessible style and her understanding made a difference for many. For me, the most interesting statement she made is one that resonates so deeply that I want to talk about it a bit as we pause to consider the meaning of her life and legacy.

Like Dr. Emoto, Dolores Cannon recognized the importance of thoughts, but she handled the information available to her in a vastly different way. We can borrow the phrase that "thoughts are things" or we can consider that thoughts are the basis for all Creation. Depending on your perspective, the Creator might have imagined the Universe into existence or we are perhaps the architects of our own reality. If this is true, we can also become the editors of our reality and change the scripts that are driving the reality.

The gift Dolores Cannon gave to me is the idea that multiple thoughts create multiple trajectories. A simple example might be when one might like to marry but also go to college. I am not sure she used such an example, but this is good enough for my purposes and the tribute I would like to give to her for seeding this understanding.

Let's say that one truly is in love and wants to marry but one also wants an education. What Dolores Cannon explained is that so long as there is energy behind both desires, the two mutually exclusive choices continue to exist. Therefore, at some point, it is more than likely that the alternate choice will find a way to manifest even though it took second place in the dimension of reality when the earlier decision was made. Likewise, any time we are conflicted about this or that, it is easy to understand that there are parts of each that have enough appeal that we cannot completely relinquish either. Therefore, both concepts or desires continue to have an existence as well as pressure behind them to become realities.

As an astrologer, I have seen this pattern with yods. I believe this is one of the most underestimated configurations in a horoscope. I just checked and Dolores Cannon did not have a yod in her chart, and, I am guessing that her birth time was off by some minutes.

A yod is made when one or more planets makes quincunxes to two or more planets that are sextile to each other. I am sure this sentence did not quite come across as user-friendly to many readers. A quincunx is an angle between planets of 150 degrees. This is the natural distance from the ascendant to the sixth house and eighth house cusps. In and of its own right, the quincunx is an angle forcing separations and Dolores Cannon had a destiny-creating quincunx from her Moon to Neptune on the Ascendant. It might also be worth noting that this aspect can account for the refined use of her Aries energies, suggesting that she was truly a pioneer in the realms of death and perhaps also rebirth. If so, we can expect the work to continue from the other side.

The souls that express in this area of consciousness, or unconsciousness, often do their most significant work after grooming a few sensitive students to work in slightly altered states so as to transfer knowledge between dimensions. In short, I doubt the publishing company will fold simply because a body is returning to dust. The work might, in fact, be invigorated by her passing, perhaps in the same way that martyrs are often greater in death than in life.

Sticking more to the known and knowable, it is safe to say that Dolores Cannon showed the creative power of thoughts, but she did so through case histories, the most difficult teaching method there is, and by waiting for the resonances to reveal what the reader is ready to understand. As such, the appeal of her work is mainly through whatever is triggered by mutual interest. For instance, let us return to the example and propose instead that the choice to be made was between two suitors, one who is perhaps more exciting and the other who is probably more dependable. We have reasons to be attracted to both contenders and therefore the heart is open to both, but the mind must choose one (or none). Excitement is sometimes an accident waiting to happen, but it is lively and fascinating so hard to surrender. Stability can be very reliable and comforting but not as adventurous. The fact that we cannot easily choose suggests that we are open to the risks of a wild ride and yet we are intimidated by the unpredictability. Likewise, we love the comfort of a secure relationship even if there is not enough sizzle.

If we were a Verdi, we could compose an opera into which we project all our emotions and conflicts and then both trajectories would be satisfied, but if we lack the creativity of an artistic temperament, we will try to manifest both passions in one lifetime, perhaps on parallel time lines or alternating time lines. The reason is that time does not exist in the unconscious which holds onto the desires so — for real world purposes — we either arrange the desires in sequences or try to live simultaneously on parallel tracks. Alternating is clearly easier than trying to have our cake and eat it too simultaneously. Maybe I have a language issue this morning. We are attached to both desires and therefore want to have our cake both later and now. If we save it for later, we cannot eat it. If we eat it, we cannot have it later. Unless we give up one idea, we will try to do both and the part of our psyche that hangs on to both options keeps both options alive. In the area where they are alive and well, they are both seeking a way to express so the point is, once again, that thoughts are very powerful and we ought not underestimate their potential to create what we call reality.

Now, if you understand this, you can also, perhaps, appreciate what I said about Macbeth. Yes, it is merely a play that is loosely based on an historic character, but as a projection, it contains all the power and potency of drama inside the psyche of those who flirt with the same issues. Therefore, it does not actually matter whether the drama is a bad dream, hallucination, or story about ambition and conscience. All the forces are there to make it as real or surreal as one chooses, but we have to get inside the mind to understand its sway over our lives.

Now, we are full circle because we have the potential to manage our thoughts so that they are expressed ethically or we can can run with the more persuasive passions of the moment and reap the consequences later.

Without harping too tediously on these points, I would like to make one more comment. It is traditional that we say "rest in peace" but my glimpses into the beyond suggest that while it is easier on the other side because of the absence of conflicts, there is no idleness. I doubt therefore that "rest" is the right word so I would merely like to express my gratitude to those who have made a difference on this side of the veil. I am also confident that the more committed one is and the more psychically sensitive one is, the harder one will work to find the ways to transmit knowledge between dimensions. Dolores Cannon trained many people and this is the true key to her immortality. The body can retire but not the thoughts or purposes behind the thoughts. Thank you, Dolores Cannon, for adding to our understanding of the creative power of thought.



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