Spirochetes, Part I

Posted to Subscribers on 3 October 2010

Dear Subscribers,

This series has been gestating for nearly two months. It might be good to begin posting parts rather than risk a stillbirth!

My problem has been that the bigger picture is so immense that figuring out how to approach the subject had me stymied. As has been suggested in many prior posts, a point comes when we have to unlearn much that we trusted before and, for me, spirochetes are more or less unfairly addressed in formal medical literature as well as in more pedestrian enclaves. The reasons for this are so complex that it occurs to me that starting at the earliest point possible will build a foundation for deeper appreciation of the subject.

In the late 70s, one of my articles achieved such unexpected success that the issue of the journal had to be reprinted. In that article, I discussed three basic types of illness based on several factors that we can explore now. When "matter" is first building, there has to be a point of attraction — magnetism — that draws substance and allows form to "assemble" and this process is essential to all that is physically manifest. If a disease were to arise during this stage of "development", the disease would either be due to excess or congestion. Just so that this concept is anchored well, let's say that the magnetic power to draw substance continues beyond the optimal point so that surfeit occurs. A simple example is overeating. There is obviously nothing at all wrong with eating but once needs have been exceeded, the excess becomes a burden and eventually a risk. Diseases based on this particular imbalance tend to develop gradually so that the specific point of onset is not noticed. Then habit dominates and the imbalance becomes chronic but not immediately critical. Ultimately, the consequences of excess are congestion and blockage, but surfeit can have many nuances so one size does not fit all. What is however true about health problems due to magnetism is that the affected individual is the one who has to shift the patterns because health care professionals cannot overcome the consequences of patterns that are unhealthy but persistent. We could make a list of obvious conditions based on magnetism: obesity, diabetes, hardening of the arteries, glaucoma, swelling and cysts and tumors. This list is intended to be illustrative, not complete.

To relieve the pressure of surfeit, the individual has to utilize the resources that have been drawn and this involves moving from a magnetic state of being to a radiatory one. When energy is moving "out", there is potential for contact with other energies so the crises that result from this collision or interaction are the basis of health issues of a completely different nature than those of the magnetic stage. These medical issues are usually specific to a particular incident and therefore sudden in onset and often acute, painful, inflammatory, and dangerous. There tends to be judgment around all imbalances. For instance, we might believe that people suffering from excess magnetism are lazy or stubborn or non-responsive to outside pressure or that people with broken bones or insect bites or sexually transmitted diseases are reckless.

I'm going to leave this part of the discussion for the moment, but there is a third condition that warrants mention but not now. If you can take a deep breath and try to turn these two situations into cartoons, you can imagine someone vacuuming up cosmos but keeping the acquisitions under lock and key. Others prod the person to be more responsive to interpersonal relationships, but resistance impedes the effectiveness of the prods. On the radiatory page, we have injudicious movement and therefore a price to pay for excess speed, failure to note space that was already occupied, or lack of adequate preparation for adventures. If one skis down a hill before knowing how to control the skis, before seeing the others on the slope, and before seeing where the trees are, accidents are possible.

The matrix I built years ago for containing these concepts placed all diseases of interaction under cardinal rulership or if using the Ayurvedic system, they would be rajasic. Magnetic diseases are more fixed or tamasic. That leaves the mutable and sattvic conditions for later discussion. Grouping all health problems into three categories is orderly but lacking nuance. I want, however, to provide some nuance because we desperately need it. Radiatory conditions include accidents, everything from skin abrasions to cuts to fractures. The dramatic difference between radiatory and magnetic conditions is the suddenness of onset and pain. This needs to be very clear. Both magnetic and radiatory conditions can relate to patterns and habits, but one pizza here and a desert there do not shut down arterial flow. It takes quite a history of indulgence before the proverbial straw that precipitates the big crisis.

Likewise, someone suffering from a complication of radiatory energy may have a history of lack of caution but no apparent consequences until the day luck runs out. You can easily appreciate this when you think how many times you speeded but were not caught, but the same is also true of much more intimate undertakings. This is why I could not take on Lyme disease without also addressing syphilis and other STDs. My point is that one can suffer from hundreds, perhaps thousands of mosquito bites before encountering the malaria-transmitting one that turns one's world upside down. The same is true of a rendezvous with a tick or sexual partner. Most experiences will not have tragic outcomes but the odd one here or there can be fatal.

Because society tends to be judgmental, there is often stigma attached to disease. Syphilis is the archetype of this tendency to attach blame, guilt, and shame to a disease. . . so to break this pattern, we have to understand it. Rest assured, where I am going is new and that's why it has taken so long to post this. In an archetypal case of syphilis, a person contracts a disease from another person. Skin lesions eventually appear. The infection goes deeper into the nervous system and eventually to the brain where madness dislodges reason. In fact, the disease also goes into the bones and pits them. The consequences are so severe that the behavior leading to the consequences was regarded as sinful and our illustrious medical profession, not to mention churches, supported this largely ignorant perception.

If I am sounding off, there are reasons. The first case of syphilis brought to my attention was a four-year in Japan who contracted the disease in bath water. The second was a woman who got the disease from her husband. However, for centuries the innocent as well as the guilty have suffered essentially the same consequences and ended up undergoing ineffective and criminally incompetent treatment for what is basically a simple spirochete infection. I.e., it was not caused by sinful behavior, political enemies, or even astrological configurations.

History bored me in school but when it is viewed from a different angle, it's fascinating. A Japanese researcher by the name of Hideyo Noguchi discovered the syphilis spirochete, Treponema pallidum. He proved conclusively that the spirochete he found in the brain was responsible for the paralysis and other complications of syphilis.

Noguchi had an accident as a child and was burned. He was helped by a doctor who became a kind of role model and then he went on to become a doctor. However, he had a deformity that might have frightened some patients so he ended up in research. He was nominated for the Nobel prize in 1913, 1914, 1915, 1920, 1921, 1924, 1925, 1926, and 1927 but he never received the prize in medicine. He had an illustrious but short career, a warning to the rest of us. He was studying tropical infections and traveled extensively in South America and Africa. He died in Ghana of yellow fever, his last words being "I don't understand." He was in his early 50s, but his fame has endured. He received countless honorary degrees and awards; and his face is on the 1000 yen banknote. The Japanese government funded an institute in Ghana bearing his name. I just cannot imagine this happening in the U.S., but the truth is, Noguchi did most of his research in the U.S. and he is buried in New York.

Pause for a moment. Before the discoveries of Noguchi, people were ostracized and then dumped in horrible hospitals where doctors used mercury "to heal" them.

As you know, I am very interested in darkfield microscopy. One of the ironies in the U.S. it that it is permissible to look for Treponema pallidum in a darkfield microscope but you could end up in prison if you use the same scope to find the spirochete causing Lyme disease. So, here we are a century beyond Noguchi, denying that people with Lyme disease are suffering, calling them delusional, and refusing them the professional courtesy of proper medical treatment. Just how insane is the system?

Now, I want to yell and scream just a bit more. Please look at this photograph:


If you look closely, you will see that the spirochetes are on the sperm itself, not oozing from some skin lesion. I'm sorry. I don't want to be revolting, but the truth is buried and it's time to bring some order to centuries of ignorance.

Now, I want you to watch this video:


In the first 20 seconds, you will move from an innocent day on the trails to intimacy and realize that like syphilis, Lyme disease can be sexually transmitted. What a nightmare! What a horror! What a terribly complex problem for all involved. Moreover, like syphilis, the disease can be transmitted to a fetus and the baby can be born with Lyme disease. The only sin was going for a hike in the wrong place at the wrong time or having very normal intimacy with the love of your life?

Oh, but don't worry. The disease doesn't really exist. It is all in your head despite the fact that the causative spirochete has a name and tests exist for determining the presence. While we are at it, let's get really, really mad:

In Australia, a woman named Mualla Akinci instigated a class action law suit after her husband died of what is believed to have been Lyme Disease. Here's the rub: according to tests run in the U.S. and Germany, he died of a disease that officially doesn't exist in Australia where he was diagnosed with multifocal neuropathy. He was bitten by a tick while filming a TV show in Waratah Park in Sydney.


Unfortunately, this story is repeated in one country after another. Since starting this series, a number of Canadians have written that they have to search high and low for an American doctor willing to run tests since Health Canada doesn't recognize the disease. Even the fact that Lyme Disease can be diagnosed in some countries does not suggest that the tests are ordered nor that mentioning them is good for one's professional standing.

This subject is immense. Like it or not, most people die from something they never saw. For a patient not to recognize what is microscopic is understandable. For a professional to fail is inexcusable.

Obviously, this is just the first installment, but at least I went from magnetic to radiatory and created the first shock wave!



Copyright by Ingrid Naiman 2010

Lyme Study






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Copyright by Ingrid Naiman 2010

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